Somewhat Muddled Musings

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Wrap up 1/22/10

This week was hit and miss with a lot of things.

Hit: Lots of Science which the boys love - and included seed shopping!
Miss: My house..a wreck

Hit: Trip to the Lucky Layla Dairy farm - which sells raw milk!!! And has some of the best dipping caramel I've ever tasted. But can you imagine having to spend $7/gallon on milk? Sometimes, really makes me thankful that I don't even like the stuff and that it doesn't like me, though the lady running the tour of the farm said that many lactose intolerant folks can drink raw milk without issue.

Miss: Trip to the farm - hated seeing animals treated in a manner that makes me so uncomfortable. They tie up their calves from just after birth for 11 weeks until they're ready to be released to the fields. I know there is a reason to keep them separated from their mommas, but to see them stuck in the same spot for almost three months made my heart hurt. But here's one of the cute ones that had just been released into the holding pen and about to be released to pasture. There are about 20 cows ready to give birth at any time, so we may be driving by often in the next month or so trying to catch a birth!
Hit: Watching Connor take to latch hooking like his great-grandfather. Grandpa used to do a lot of needlework, which men (for the most part) just don't do. We have samples of his handiwork all over the house and in Baga's room. I love seeing it. So it warms my heart to see how much Connor has taken to this form of handiwork. He's finished two full stripes just a few days later. It helps keep his hands busy and his brain focused, especially when we're doing read alouds.

Miss: Medicaide/Insurance/Bureaucracy - 'nuff said.

Hit: Losing 15 lbs! I'm really thankful for the use of the gym at the dojo when the boys are in class. And I've been using the Wii a lot more.

Miss: that bag of funyuns last night - though Russ claims it's one of the 'healthier' bad chip snack foods that we can eat. I'd be just fine if he'd stop bringing them into the house! But, I married a salty crunchy guy who needs it every once in awhile. He just needs to start hiding the bags.

We had a fun Monday off with Connor attending the bowling party @ the local place with all of his church friends, while Aiden and I had a date, getting ice cream and then doing a tour of independent garden shops planning for our garden. We purchased a great seed viewer @ Wells Brothers
They were kind enough to give us some fresh carrot and pea seeds, which we then planted on Tuesday. Last night, one of the peas has already started it's first root.


justkc said...

I love the recap of your week! I may have to try Zachary on a latch hook project. Now that is an avid reader he is not very fond of realouds. Maybe this would be the cure! Thanks for the idea!

CandyScraps said...

Congrats on the 15 pounds!! :) That is not an easy task - I know. I'm proud of you!
(And the farm thing would have broken my heart too. :( Poor calves...)


Cindy said...

Congrats on the 15 pounds! Has Russ ever tried Pirate's Booty. It's yummy and about half the calories of say Funyuns (which I too love).

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